Ouyang Xiu: Proud Fishing Households: No. 15


Proud Fishing Households: No. 15

鱼 家 傲
别 恨 长 长 欢 计 短。
疏 钟 促 漏 真 堪 怨。
此 会 此 情 都 未 半。
星 初 转。
鸾 琴 凤 乐 匆 匆 卷。
河 鼓 无 言 西 北 盼。
香 蛾 有 恨 东 南 远。
脉 脉 横 波 珠 泪 满。
归 心 乱。
离 肠 便 家 星 桥 断。


Yu Jia Ao


Bie hen chang chang huan ji duan.
Shu zhong cu lou zhen kan yuan.
Ci hui ci qing dou wei ba
Xing chu zhuan.

Luan qin feng yue cong cong juan.
He gu wu yan xi bei pan.
Xiang e you hen dong nan yuan.
Mo mo heng bo zhu lei man.
Gui xin luan.
Li chang bian jia xing qiao duan.


Proud Fishing Households: No. 15

So long apart, joyous reunions very brief
Resent the distant bells and nearby water clocks.
These emotional meetings only get half-way done
Northern polestar is beginning to shift.

Dragon and phoenix music hastily swept along
Altair without words moves to the northwest
Vega resents going to the southeast
Horizon waves full of affectionate pearl teardrops
Returning heart-minds in turmoil
Departing magpies break the Star Bridge and many hearts.



Dragon and phoenix: Male and female, man and wife

Altair and Vega: Prominent night-time stars