Yang Wanli: Snowfall Clearing Up After a Morning Climb Up Mt. Jin


Snowfall Clearing Up After a Morning Climb Up Mt. Jin


雪 霁 晓 登 金 山
焦 山 东, 金 山 西
金 山 排 霄 南 斗 齐。
天 将 三 江 五 湖 水
并 作 一 江 字 扬 予。
来 从 九 天 上
泻 入 九 地 底;
遇 岳 岳 立 摧
逢 石 石 立 碎;
乾 坤 气 力 聚 此 江
一 波 打 来 谁 敢 当?
金 山 一 何 强
上 流 独 立 江 中 央。
一 尘 不 随 海 风 舞
一 砾 不 随 海 湖 去。
四 旁 无 蒂 下 无 根
浮 空 跃 出 江 心 住。
金 宫 银 阙 起 峰 头
槌 鼓 撞 钟 闻 九 州;
诗 人 踏 雪 来 清 游
天 风 吹 侬 上 琼 楼。
不 为 浮 玉 饮 玉 舟
大 江 端 的 替 人 羞!
金 山 端 的 替 人 愁!
Xue Ji Xiao Deng Jin Shan

Jiao shan dong, jin shan xi
Jin shan pai xiao nan dou qi.
Tian jiang san jiang wu hu shui
Bing zuo yi jiang zi yang yu.

Lai cong jiu tian shan
Xie ru jiu di di;
Yu yue yue li cui
Feng shi shi li sui;

Qian kun qi li ju ci jiang
Yi bo da lai shei gan dang?
Jin shan yi he qian
Shang liu du li jiang zhong yang.

Yi chen bu sui hai feng wu
Yi li bu sui hai hu qu.
Si pang wu di xia wu gen
Fu kong yue chu jiang xin zhu.

Jin gong yin que qu feng tou
Chui gu zhuang zhong wen jiu zhou;
Shi ren ta xue lai qing you
Tian feng chui nong shang qiong lou.

Bu wei fu yu yin yu zhou
Da jiang duan de ti ren xiu!
Jin shan duan de ti ren chou!


Snowfall Clearing Up After a Morning Climb Up Mt. Jin

Mt. Jiao to the east, and Mt. Jin to the west
Row of clouds and Southern Dipper stars along the Mt. Jin range.
Three rivers and lake waters meet the sky
Combined together, this place called the Changjiang.

Water from the nine heavens arrive
They flow swiftly around the nine lands.
Meeting powerfully to mete our destruction in tall hills
Hitting a few boulders, which they break into many pieces.

Atmospheres of heaven and earth forcefully gather these waters
Who can dare to obstruct the large single tidal bore waves?
Mt. Jin stands strong and solid against all of these forces
Alone amid a powerful river, water flows around him.

Not one worldly force of strong ocean gales can be of concern
Ocean and lake gravel eventually return.
No strength can compare to this mountain’s foundation on all four sides
Inside the river, it appears to be floating and existing upon the water flows.

On the tall peaks, a palace of gold and silver appears
Mallet drumbeats can be heard as far away as Jiuzhou.
This poet visitor walking through snow to a clearing sky and weather
Heavenly winds chant around an exquisite mountaintop tower.

I am not here to drink out of jade cups on a pleasure riverboat
Large river source replaces my self-regret and shame!
Mt. Jin source replaces the sorrows of all the people moving from the south!



Mt. Jin located in Zhejiang Province.
People moving to the south were refugees escaping the invading northern armies of the Jin Dynasty.