Su Dongpo: At Nankang, Gaze Into the Distance From a Lakeside Pavilion


At Nankang, Gaze Into the Distance From a Lakeside Pavilion


南 康 望 湖 亭
八 月 渡 长 湖
萧 条 万 象 疏。
西 风 片 帆 急
暮 霭 一 山 孤.
许 国 心 犹 在
康 时 术 已 虚。
岷 峨 家 万 里
投 老 得 归 无。
Nan Kang Wang Hu Ting

Ba yue du chang hu
Xiao tiao wan xiang shu.
Xi feng pian fan ji
Mu ai yi shan gu.

Xu guo xin you zai
Kang shi shu yi xu.
Min e jia wan li
Tou lao de gui wu.


At Nankang, Gaze Into the Distance From a Lakeside Pavilion

In August went across the long lake
Numerous distant images of desolate trees and branches.
West wind quickly moves the sailboat
Sunset haze, see just one solitary mountain.

My heart-felt promise to help my country still present
The current times empty of art and skill.
The two mountains of my hometown further and further away
Do not know if I will ever be able to return there before old age takes me.