Meng Haoran: Early Morning, Go Fishing in Yu Putan


Meng Haoran: Early Morning, Go Fishing in Yu Putan
早 发 渔 浦 潭
东 旭 早 光 芒
渚 刘 已 惊 聒。
卧 闻 渔 浦 口
绕 声 暗 相 拨。
日 出 气 象 分
始 知 江 路 阔。
美 人 常 晏 起
照 影 弄 流 沫。
饮 水 畏 惊 猿
祭 鱼 时 见 獭。
舟 行 自 无 闷
况 值 晴 景 豁。
Zao Fa Yu Pu Tan

Dong xu zao guang mang
Zhu li yi jing guo
Wo wen yu pu kou
Rao sheng an xiang bo

Ri chu qi xiang fen
Shi zhi jiang lu kuo
Mei ren chang yan qi
Zhao ying nong liu mo

Yin shui wei jing yuan
Ji yu shi jian ta
Zhou xing zi wu men
Kuang zhi qing jing huo

Early Morning, Go Fishing in Yu Putan

Early rays of sunlight in the east
Sandbar birds already up and noisy
From the boat, hear the fish at the river mouth
And the oars turning over and over

Sunrise views emerge layer after layer
Only then know, this part of the river is vast
Beautiful women often get up late
Looking into the water, they wash up and comb out their hair

Monkeys drinking at the river startle and run
Otters with caught fish wait to eat, like making a prayerful sacrifice
Boat travel, myself free from indoor confinement
This scenery makes my temperament open and free


Yu Putan: A fish pond in the Xiao Mountains